Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Egg Drop Soup: Liquid Gold

I'm jumping on the bandwagon for Real Food Wednesdays
at Kelly the Kitchen Cop's blog.  :)

When anyone in my family isn't feeling 100%, we have egg drop soup for dinner.  It's incredibly nutritious with a mild but flavorful taste and a smooth texture, perfect for stuffy noses, grumpy tummies, foggy heads, tender mouths, and sleepy moms with little time to cook.

I like to make organic chicken stock for mine [read about why homemade chicken stock is a super healthy healer here].  Sometimes I cheat and use a box of Pacific organic chicken broth and just "boost" it at home with old chicken bones and bits of leftover meat mixed with onions and carrots and celery, salt and pepper, and a bay leaf.  All of that goes into a crock pot for the day.  Then, I skim the grease off the top and freeze it in jars or use it within a week.

The stock is great on it's own, but it doesn't feel like much of a meal.  Thus, I make egg drop soup.  Here's why eggs are such a great form of nutrition when you don't have much of an appetite for lots of heavy food! [just read the part under "Reason #1"]

Egg Drop Soup
For 2 people

*Boil 1 quart of organic chicken stock in a wide pot
*Mix 2 organic eggs in a separate bowl or in a liquid measuring cup
*When the stock is boiling, put in a little ginger powder or fresh grated ginger to taste (it is good for tummies)
*Then, stir the stock continuously while you pour small streams of egg into the twirling broth.  It should instantly cook into threads of eggy-goodness.
*Finally, chop up some fresh chives and toss them in.

Ta-da!  You're done.
As my mom used to sing over good meals, "It's delicious nutritious!"

Image: Mine usually looks like this one but I've never taken a pic. of it.
Here's where this one's from:


Sarah said...

This looks delicious; I'm definitely going to have to try it one day.

Thanks for your lovely comment. I'm glad at least one other person gets my Brideshead reference! It's definitely my favorite book; I re-read it once a year.

Christy said...

Thanks for the new soup recipe! Can't wait to try it! Just need to find some ginger....

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