Saturday, February 05, 2011

Edible Oatmeal

My boys will rarely eat oatmeal.  They're not picky in general; they've just agreed secretly that normal oatmeal is to be avoided at all costs.  They both like that awful, sweet, flavored stuff in the little microwave packs--bleck!  However, this morning we were left with no eggs, no cold cereal, nothing except milk, apples, and tons of oatmeal that's been sitting here waiting for a desperation day.  I think it was a success.  My husband's not going to affirm it too much because he doesn't want me to get the impression that he'd ever want to eat oatmeal on any sort of a regular basis, but he ate it.  My little guy ate all of his (well, all of it that didn't end up on the wall or high chair once he figured out that it stuck nicely.)  Here's the recipe:

Edible Oatmeal
  • 4 apples (I like 2 tart and 2 sweet)
  • 2-3 T butter
  • 1 cup rolled oatmeal (not instant)
  • 1 cup milk (raw is best, organic is good, whole is a must)
  • 1 cup water
  • dash of salt
  • drizzle of honey to taste
  • cinnamon (I like a lot, but put in as much or little as you like)
  • vanilla extract (probably about 1/2 t. but I didn't measure)
  • raisins (optional)
    • "Fried" apple topping
      • core, peel, and cut apples into chunks [if you have one of those apple peeler things it's really fast & easy]
      • cook over medium with butter and cinnamon in a fry pan until the apple are soft but not mushy
    • Oatmeal
      • once you have the apples started, put all of the remaining ingredients in a small pot
      • bring to a low boil (careful not to scald the milk!)
      • simmer for about 10 min. uncovered, stirring occasionally, until the moisture is mostly absorbed into the oatmeal
      • [you could also just cook it in water and then add some cream over the top later]
    • Serve in bowls, smothered with apples--this makes about 2 large servings (enough for all 3 of us)


Kari said...

Sounds yummy!

Niki MacD said...

Sounds like the oatmeal I make for Pat! I am not generally a fan of rolled oats, but I will occasionally (and by occasionally I mean I have nothing else in the house to eat and I don't want to drag 2 kids to the store to buy eggs) have steel cut oats, with cranberries, walnuts, and (real) maple syrup...have your guys tried that kind too?

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