Tuesday, July 06, 2010


Some days I have to remind myself to un-complicate life.  My emotions, my desires, my piles of paper, my plans . . . all these things can get very complicated.  The result is that I get frustrated and feel helpless and stupid (the two ways I least like to feel).

I also tend to misdiagnose myself.  For example: "I wish I didn't have so much to do" often should be translated, "I overestimated my ability to accomplish inhuman amounts of projects this week.  I need to make more modest goals," OR "I was a lazy bum and didn't do my work when James was asleep."

My ways to un-complicate life:
1st--Pray.  I can guarantee that if I'm stressed, it has something to do with my prayer life being on cruise-control or m.i.a.
2nd--Make a List.  Then, make a more reasonable one (or just use a highlighter) to mark what I can actually do today.
3rd--Add Beauty.  Beautiful things calm me down . . . a quiet moment with my husband, a cup of tea, classical music in the background as I work, a conversation with my sister on the phone while I conquer those pesky proliferating dirty dishes, or a simple arrangement of flowers that makes me want to clear off the family desk dining room table so I can showcase them better.

Funny how the best therapy is much cheaper than a professional massage or fancy vacation (though those can be lovely too).  Sometimes the best remedy for a stressful, busy life is to just decide to make it simpler.

What do you do to simplify your life?

Pic: Some of my very first flowers that I've ever successfully grown . . . in my husband's cool-shaped beer bottle (b/c my bud vase went eternally missing during one of my moves.)  Can you tell I'm proud of my gardening adventures?!

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