Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Mother & Child: An Unbreakable Bond

This is a fascinating article about how a mother receives some cells from her unborn child and her child in turn receives some of the mother's cells.  These cells remain in eachother's bodies for years.  Scientists have discovered that the "foreign" cells (esp. from a healthy mother's body) actually cluster and repair weakened or sickened tissue within the child's body, and the child's cells similarly repair the mother's body.  This is why some women with various life-long illnesses and auto-immune disorders will temporarily feel well during pregnancy.

How beautiful is it that God designed mothers and children biologically to help each other even on the cellular level.  I'll keep that in mind if any of my children ever goes through one of those "rebellious teen phases"; even if I cannot help them emotionally at that time, my cells are in their body helping to counteract the effects of stress and strain on their organs.  There's something kinda creepy and mostly really cool about that . . .

Vicki Thorn | Headline Bistro

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